Chris Stapleton Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics

Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics. Happy a nice day to all of This time I am going to share :”Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics.” We hope that you like this Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics.

Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics 

On 4 November 2015, Chris Stapleton performed the song, a cover version from his debut album Traveler, at the Country Music Association (CMA) Awards as a duet with Justin Timberlake. 

The performance was described as “stunning” and “career-making”. Based solely on two days sales after the broadcast, it reached number-one on the Hot Country Songs chart, and number 23 on the Billboard Hot 100, views 571,607,311. It peaked at number 20 the following week, selling a further 118,000 copies. It has sold 461,000 copies in the US as of January 2022.


I used to spend my nights out in a barroom

Liquor was the only love I’ve known

But you rescued me from reaching for the bottle

And brought me back from being too far gone


You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey

You’re as sweet as strawberry wine

You’re as warm as a glass of brandy

And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time


I’ve looked for love in all the same old places

Found the bottom of a bottle always dry

But when you poured out your heart I didn’t waste it

Cause there’s nothing like your love to get me high


You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey

You’re as sweet as strawberry wine

You’re as warm as a glass of brandy

And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time


You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey

You’re as sweet as strawberry wine

You’re as warm as a glass of brandy

And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time


You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey

You’re as sweet as strawberry wine

You’re as warm as a glass of brandy

And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time

Well, I stayed stoned on your love all the time

You are reading: Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Chord

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That was Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey Lyrics

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